Basically school or institution is a place to study and learn something. School as the social institution which is held and had by the society should fulfill the society needed. School has a legal and moral duties to teach, educate, and instruct the students to be a good person.
But nowadays, there are many problems that is found in school, especially hardness and seniority. As we know that firstly, we found hardness in STPDN which was done by senior to junior, and most of the victim were dead. This action shouldn’t happen in an institution. But why it can happen? Moreover it mostly happen in public institution. And some days ago, it happened again in STIP. Bandung.
This action will give effect for the institution itself. The society won’t believe that institution anymore and it also will destroy the good name of that institution. So, the government should find a solution to solve this problem. Finally I hope this action won’t happen again in the future.
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