Setelah dua hari benerin blog yang udah beberapa tahun ditinggal, akhirnya mulai terlihat hasilnya. Sekarang dah mulai nampak bersih dan rapih, dan sudah layak untuk dihuni iklan dari google adsense.
Iklan dari google adsense sudah tersedia dan sudah siap dipasang, bahkan sebagian sudah dipasang, alhamdulilah sudah menghasilkan uang $ 15. Tapi bila dilihat dan ditilik dari nama dan alamat blog ini, kurang begitu familiar dan agak susah diingat, untuk itu saya memutuskan untuk mengganti nama blog ini menjadi All Of cinta. Dulu blog ini bernama We Service Better, dengan amat sangat sedih nama tersebut sudah menjadi almarhum. Mudah-mudahan dengan nama baru, wajah baru dan alamat blog yang baru, akan mendapatkan gairah baru, dan semangant baru serta lebih banyak lagi menghasilkan dolar.
Diatas adalah logo yang sengaja dibuat dengan notepad agar sedikit ada sensasi seninya, karena kemungkinan besar blog ini juga akan berisikan tulisan bergambar atau gambar meme.
After two days benerin blog that already a few years left, finally began to visible results. Now dah began to appear clean and neat, and it deserves to live google adsense ads.
Google adsense ads are already available and ready to install, even in part already mounted, alhamdulilah already making money $ 15. But when viewed and judging from the name and address of this blog, is less familiar and rather difficult to remember, for that I decided to change the name this blog became All Of love. We used to this blog called Better Service, with very, very sad that name already deceased. Hopefully with a new name, a new face and a new blog address, will get a new passion and new semangant and more to generate dollars.
Above is the logo that is deliberately created with notepad so that there is little sensation of art, because most likely this blog will also contain writing or drawing a picture meme.
di: All Of Cinta
After two days benerin blog that already a few years left, finally began to visible results. Now dah began to appear clean and neat, and it deserves to live google adsense ads.
Google adsense ads are already available and ready to install, even in part already mounted, alhamdulilah already making money $ 15. But when viewed and judging from the name and address of this blog, is less familiar and rather difficult to remember, for that I decided to change the name this blog became All Of love. We used to this blog called Better Service, with very, very sad that name already deceased. Hopefully with a new name, a new face and a new blog address, will get a new passion and new semangant and more to generate dollars.
Above is the logo that is deliberately created with notepad so that there is little sensation of art, because most likely this blog will also contain writing or drawing a picture meme.
di: All Of Cinta