“Teaching Persuasive Writing Trough Genre Base At
SMAN 06 Pandeglang”
SMAN 06 Pandeglang”
The language has central role on the development of student’s intellectual, social, and emotional and the key word to get successful in learning all of subject matter (Depdiknas, 2003: 1). In language learning, the students not only learn mother tongue or second language, but also foreign language in order that they are able to communicate and comprehend foreign cultures. Therefore, the language has to be mastered by students without language errors in order to get knowledge and perspective widely.
English is one of the subjects for student of senior high school in Indonesia , and it is a language that has to be learned beside Indonesian language. Moreover, this subject is taught aound six hour a week. So, it considers that English teacher of senior high school should have much attention and concentration in teaching this subject.
Basicly, there are four language skills that the learners should have, such as receptive skills (listening and reading), and productive skill (speaking and writing). In teaching those skills, it cannot be denied that many obstacles will be influenced. Those obstacles may come from the inconvenient process of learning, the inappropriate uses of media and method, etc.
Not everyone is a naturally gifted writer. Writing is a skill that can be practiced and mastered. In many ways, it is like driving a car. If you have written driven in another country, you know that some of the rules of the road may be different. Just as the rules for driving differ from country to country, the conventions for writing may change from language to language.
Writing in a different language involves more than mastering its vocabulary and grammar. Language, including written language, is a reflection of the though patterns of native speakers. In order to write well in a different language, it is important to understand the way native speaker of that language organize their thoughts. That is why rarely works to write something in your native language and then translate it into English. The words may be in English, but the logic, organization, and thought pattern reflect those of native language.
When students have an immediate need to work within one genre, a focus on that single genre may be an effective teaching method. Focus on the linguistic features of the appropriate text type(s) through modelling, feedback on writing, etc. can probably achieve a reasonable degree of conformity with the expectations a reader will have for texts within the genre. For example, preparatory courses for students wishing to begin university studies in an L2 environment may well focus in just such an explicit manner on the genre of academic writing. Shaw and Liu (1998), while not discussing teaching approach explicitly, demonstrate that students attending such courses did learn to make the language of their texts closer to the conventional language of (one style of) academic writing.
However, Freedman (1993) argues that attempts at explicit teaching of particular genres may be unhelpful, at the very least, and quite possibly detrimental. (This is, of course, excepting in situations such as that described above, where students are already or are about to become actively engaged in writing texts of a particular and limited genre). She appears to have in mind especially genres that are associated with texts of very fixed patterns or language features, and her argument draws heavily on Krashen's views regarding the limited value of explicit language instruction. However, she suggests (pp. 246-7) that teaching about and raising awareness of the importance of generic factors in general may well be of value to all writers. Moreover, the writer purpose “Teaching Persuasive Writing Trough Genre Base at SMAN 06 Pandeglang” in order to increase the student desire in writing trough genre base, and want to know how far the it is success of its effectivness.Finnally, it is hoped by using genre media the writing skill can be mastered.
In this research, the researcher will do the research in senior high school at SMUN 06 Pandeglang and the researcher will formulated the problem as follows:
1. How does teach writing by using genre base?
2. What kinds of genre are given in persuasive writing?
3. Objective of the Research
The objective in this research, can formulated as follow:
1. How to teach writing by using genre base? and
2. What kinds of genre that teacher should use in persuasive writing?
4. Uses of the research
If the objective of research is achieved, so the result of research will have the uses in both of theoretically and practically.
a. Theorically : For the teacher it will help how to deliver the material, especially in writing skill
b. Practically : For the student it will be the interesting material, and can get motivation in leaning especially in writing
5. Scope Of Study
Gugiyono (2005: 49) state that qualitative research, which include the scope of study, is named as social situation; it includes place, actor, and activity. Thus, in conducting his research, the writer will do the research at the classroom of SMUN 06 Padeglang as at place, the student of IX-1 class, which consist of forty students as the actors, and process of teaching and learning of listening as the activity.
6. Operational Definition
· Definition of Teaching
Hasan (1994: 51) stated that teaching as the process of transferring the knowledge and skill to the student through certain technique, method, and media. Then, Hidayat (1995:6) stated that teaching as an operational process of the curriculum. Moreover, Hayvraft (1978:6) stated that teaching English should be as varied as living, and included as many approaches as possible.
According to oxford learner’s pocket dictionary, teach (v) is giving instruction to (sb); give sb (knowledge, skill, etc) and teaching (n) work of teacher: earn a living by ~ing.
· Definition of Persuasive
According to oxford learner’s pocket dictionary, Persuasive (Adj) is being able persuade
· Definition of Writing
According to Let’s Write more, Writing in a different language involves more than mastering its vocabulary and grammar. Language, including written language, is a reflection of the thought patterns of native speakers. In order to write well in a different language, it is important to understand the way native speaker of that language organize their thoughts.
· Definition of Genre
The definition of the term genre varies somewhat between different writers, but most follow Swales (1990) and Bahtia (1993) in relating the concept of genre to communicative events or acts. In such approaches, genres are defined not in terms of their language, but by features, which could be described as external to the text itself.
7. Population And Sampling
According to Donna M Johnson (1992:110) “population is entities of person to which the result and sample is sub group of it”.
The population in this research is the first class of senior high school 06 of pandeglang (SMUN 06 Pandeglang). The researcher will take the first class IX A.
8. Research Method
The appropriate research design and method in conducting the esearch is definetly needed to create the successful research. Johnson (1992:12) argues that research can be conducted in variety of situations that are related to the question that are posed and the ways that studied are carried out. Thus, it considers that choosing and applying the appropriate research design and method in conducting the research is definitely needed.
Moreover, Birley and Moreland (1999: 17) state that common methods used in social science and education are experimental, surveys, developmental, action research, and qualitative research. In this research, however, the writer conducts his research through the naturalistic qualitative research. Finally, the researcher using documentary, observation and Questionnaire.
- Questionnaire
In collecting the data from questionnaire, the writer will use close-ended question through Linkert Scale, In this research, Linkert Scale is used to know the student attitudes in learning writing through genre base, and it includes several steps in examining and analysing the questionnaire of Linkert Scale.
After the students answer the questionnaire, the first step in examining and analysing the questionnaire of Linkert Scale is deciding the score of each question. This step is used to know the validity of each question, whether the question is used or not for next step of data collecting. Then, the following are some steps in deciding the score of each question.
1. Deciding the frequency and proportion of each alternative of answer.
2. Deciding the cumulative proportion of each alternative answer
3. Deciding the mean of cumulative proportion of each alternative answer.
4. Deciding z value based on the mean of cumulative proportion to change the raw score into standard score (sudjana, 2001:116)
5. Deciding the completion
For the positive question, the completion is two for the answer of agree, one for neutral, and zero for disagrees, for the negative question, the completion is two for disagree.
TABLE 1.1 The decision of score of each question
Characteristic of questions
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Positive Question
Negative Question
- Observation
In doing observation the researcher will record the notes as quickly as possible after observation, since the quantity of information forgotten is very slight over a short period of time but accelerates quickly as more time passes. In addition, researcher will make at least two copies of field notes and preferable to type on a master for reproduction. One original copy is retained for reference and other copies can be used as rough drought to be cut up, reorganized and rewritten.
- Documentaries
The last collecting technique of this research is documentation, and the following are the guide of guide the data
The application of language
1. Student’s genre and the piece of paper or notebook.
2. Lesson Plan (Basic Competence and Indicators.
9. Data Analysis
In qualitative research, the data is usually analysed descriptively. In analysing his data, then, the writer will use analysis of miles and Huberman as his data analysis. According to Sugiyono (2005: 5), Matrix Analysis of miles and Huberman is divided into data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.
The first step in analysing the data of matrix Analysis is data reduction. It means that the result of data from questionnaire, observation and documentation are organized into categorized into categories and described into units in order to get the clearer description (data reduction) for the next step of data collecting.
Then, after having the data reduction, the data is synthesized into display (data display), to choose whether the data is important to be studied or not. In qualitative research, data display is in the form of short description, sketch/plan, flowchart, etc.
The last conclusion or verification (conclusion drawing/verification) It is used to describe the data into conclusion, which is easy to be understood by the researcher and other.