A. The Title
B. The Background Of Study
English is known as one of International language in the world. English is a tool or an aid to communicate with other people. As Martin in Syofianti (2005:p1) states that, in community life, language is very important, because language is means of communication for mutual making relationship or sharing experience and study from ability. In Indonesia , it is the most important foreign language. Indonesian government requires English as one of the optional subject in elementary school. It is included in the local content curriculum. On the other hand, it is one of the compulsory subjects in Junior High School. The final objectives in teaching English is that the students have competence in communicating both oral and written in globalization era.
Nowadays, Indonesian government establishes a new curriculum that is KTSP or Educational Unit Grade Curriculum (Sisdiknas:2005). KTSP is the operational curriculum which is arranged and done by each educational unit. The objective of KTSP in English subject is that the students must have communicative competence in four skills, the skills are writing, speaking, reading and listening. The application of KTSP especially in English subject is aimed to the students have to communicative competence in those skill. In line with that, Tarigan says “there are four components of communicative competence should be mastered by students, such as writing, reading, listening, and speaking” (Tarigan et al:1981. p1).
The students must have good communication in both oral and written form. Oral form is that speaking and listening, and written form is that writing and reading. The students always make error in learning those skills. One of types of errors is writing error. According to Harmer (2001:p.84) states that:
some pieces of written work are completely full of mistakes, but even in these cases, over-correction can have a very demotivating effect. One way of avoiding the ‘over-correction’ problem is for teachers to tell their students that for a particular piece of work they are only going to correct mistakes of punctuation, or spelling, or grammar etc.
Based on Tarigan (1988: p.85), “Writing errors is the error which is inappropriate with certain grammar. It is related to writing skill.” Based on both definition is that writing error is a mistake to write appropriate with punctuation, or spelling, or grammar etc.
There are common errors of students of Junior High School in writing. The common errors of writing are in sentence pattern in subject, to be, noun, adverb, adjective or preposition. Harmer (2001:p.84) defined that:
Common sense and talking to students about it are the only solution here. The other really important point is that correction is worthless if students just put their corrected writing away and never look it again. Teachers have to ensure that they understand the problem and then redraft the passage correctly.
Based on the problem above, the writer will analyze error preposition of place. Martin stated that preposition is a word used before a noun or pronoun to show place, position, time or method (Syofianti, 2005: p.12). In this case, this paper will discuss about preposition of place. For example, when the writer gave the pisture to students, it showed that the ball was on the table yesterday. Based on writer’s experience when teaching practicum at the first grade of SMPN 8 Serang, some students wrote, The ball was in the table yesterday. The right preposition in these sentence is The ball was on the table yesterday.
Many students of Junior High School are confused in putting the right preposition and this is a job for the teacher to explain hardly about preposition because preposition is necessary, it is for to know where the things in the certain place. So, to teach them, the teachers use a text which relates to preposition. There are many kinds of texts are given, the kinds of texts are descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, and narrative. Keraf (1981: p.3) defined that there are four kind of texts, the texts are descriptive, argumentative, persuasive, and narrative Thus, the teachers use one of the texts to teach preposition. In this case, it is narrative text. Sofyan stated that Narrative is a story which is connected with events based on the plot (1999: p.86). Then, why the teacher use a narrative text, it is because of narrative text as a story of human experience, so that the students arrange easily the composition. Semi (2003: p.29) in Hasani (2005: p.22) stated that narrative is conversation or writing with the purpose tells about action or human experience based on the development of time. Therefore, the writer analyzes preposition in narrative, because in semester two of first grade in Junior High School, many narrative texts are learnt.
From the above explanation, the writer will discuss about preposition, especially preposition of place. Thus, the writer proposes “An error analysis of preposition of place in composing narrative text” which is conducted at the first grade of SMPN 3 Banjarsari, Lebak.
C. The Identification of Problem
According to the background above, the writer can identify some problems, are following:
1. Can preposition be an obstacle in writing skill?
2. Do some students make error in preposition of place when they arrange the composition?
D. The Limitation of Problem
Based on the Identification of problem, the writer limits the problem only on preposition of place in composing narrative text done by students at the first grade of SMP Negeri 3 Banjarsari, Lebak.
E. The Formulation of Problem
Referring to the background of study above, this research is intended to answer the following questions:
1. How many percentage are any error done by students in using preposition of place in composing narrative text?
2. What kind of errors done by students in preposition of place in composing narrative text?
F. The Objectives of Study
Based on the formulation of problem on this research is to know and analyze the errors in writing, especially pertaining to the use preposition of place in narrative text. So, the writers have the objectives:
1. To find out whether How many percentage are any error done by students in using preposition of place in composing narrative text.
2. To find out the kinds of errors done by students in preposition of place in composing narrative text.
G. The Uses
- The teacher can choose the kind of texts which is interesting to teach preposition of place. ( The suitable text to use in Junior High School at the first grade)
- Students can use the preposition of place in writing.
- To increase students ability in English, especially deals with preposition of place in composing narrative text
H. The Scope of Study
The writer will conduct the research at the first grade of SMPN 3 Banjarsari, Lebak. The writer is interested in analyzing the error done by students in preposition of place in composing narrative text which consist of fifth students as research subject.
I. The Operational Definition
1. Error Analysis
According to Brown in rositoh (2004;p.200), errors as “ noticeable deviation from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the inter language competence of the learner”.
Thus, in this research, Errors Analysis means the study of errors or mistakes done by students in preposition of place in composing narrative text.
2. Composition
French (1950: p.144).defines, composition is a task in which the pupil has to think of his own ideas and then express them in his own English
Martama in Muslihah (2004:p.15) stated that composition is combination activity someone for giving expression suggest and telling by written language in order that the reader can understood what author’s means.
3. Preposition
Martin and Wren (2005; p. 110) proves that preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in regard to something else
As Strumpf (2004: p. 22) stated that prepositions are words that show the relationship between two words or phrases in a sentence.
Preposition is relate to writing and speaking skill in English. In this research, the writer will focus on preposition of place in composing narrative text, means deals to writing of narrative text.
4. Narrative Text
“Narrative is a story based on the plot, and plot consist of event, person, and conflict. Narrative consists of fact and fiction”. ( Marahimin, 1999: p. 96)
J. The Research Design and Method
In this research, the researcher used Descriptive Qualitative. Qualitative research is descriptive research. Borgan and Taylor in Margono (2005: p.36) defined that Qualitative research is, “the research procedure which produces descriptive data such as word written or speed from the population people and attitude which can analyze”
The writer will use this method to examine of the events or phenomena of student, especially in preposition of place in composing narrative text. As Whitney in Nazir (1988:p.26) describe that Descriptive method is an investigation aimed at looking for facts using an appropriate interpretation (cited from Sofiyah,2004: p.4).
K. The Research Instrument
Arikunto (1997:p.136). stated that “Research instrument is the tools or facilities used by researcher in collecting the data, hope the result of research is more accurate, complete, and systematic, so the process is easier”. Based on that explanation, the writer will use research instrument in collecting data to support the research. A kind of instrument in collecting the data is a test.
L. The Research Subject
In this research, the writer will conduct her research in SMPN 3 Banjarsari at the first grade which consist of three classes and 105 students. To decide the research subject, the writer will use Random sampling. So, the writer will take the students as research subject randomly. They are 40 students.
M. The Data Collecting Technique
In collecting the data of qualitative research, As Arikunto (1997: p.136) stated, that there are various of data collecting technique, they are Questionnaires, Observation, Interview, Test and Documentation. In this research, the writer will use test as her data collecting technique. As Arikunto (2002:p.127).) stated that test is a tool, questions or exercises which use to measure the skills, knowledge of intelligence, talent or ability in individual or group.
Then, the writer will apply the tests to get data about errors done by students in using preposition of place in composing narrative text. The kind of test is students make composition by using preposition of place in narrative text. The test covers 10 prepositions and it will be given to 50 students that already settled as respondents of research.
N. The Data Analysis
According to Muhajir (1996: p.104), Data analysis is a process to find out and set result data from observes, interview, and others to increase the researcher about the study and make easy to understand by our self and other.
Then, there are three activities in data analysis. There are Data Reduction, Data Display and Data Conclusion / verification. At the first step, the writer will more focus on the point of research, this process known as data reduction. After that, the writer enroll the next step, it is data display. In qualitative research, data display can be do in narrative form, chart, flowchart, etc. Finally, the writer give the description an object which unclear before analyze, but it become clear after analyze or research as conclusion / verification.
As the limitation of problem, the writer interest to analyze students error which focused on the preposition of place in composing narrative text made by the first grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Banjarsari. Based on the subject of research, the writer has decided the technique for frequency of error.
O. The Organization of writing
The writing of the research paper will be systematically divide into five chapters. The first chapter will discuss about Introduction that conclude the background of problem, formulation of problem, objectives, scope of study, uses, operational definition, and organization of writing.
The second chapter will explain about the theoretical framework. This chapter describes about definition of composition, preposition and narrative text, kinds of prepositions, definition of error analysis, the goal of error analysis, the procedures of error analysis, process of preposition produce, and the problem of preposition.
The third chapter will discuss about methodology of research. It includes research design and method, data source and data collecting technique, research instrument, data analysis technique, data validity test.
The fourth chapter discuss about the result of research. It consist of data description and discussion.
The fifth chapter consists of conclusion and suggestion. It contains of the conclusion and suggestion.