I like structure,because structure is interesting for me and because it one of regulation of developmet english well.Sometimes,when I make a paragraph the sentences pattern isn’t good.Because,the structural words not appropriated.
I have studying structure,as giving the challenge to my self.It means that I must to know more the part of regulations in structure.The structure giving the big influence to arranged sentence in the writing skill.Beside that,to understand of structure we should balance with other regulation in grammar.
As we know the strategy of development the english ability depend on the writing,readig,listening,speaking skills.One of them in writing skill is important thing for to know the strategy inside.Structure,grammar are the strategys to became english ability well.I found in the sructure ability to arranged the word by word became a good arrange,specially in makes the sentences of paragraph.In the structure sstrategy I must be learn the function of noun,verb,adverb,adjective and other in the sentences.
Structure is one of the regulation,beside that the grammar if we know and understand the structural of the structure strategy should be learnd more.I hope that will be makes me to succes to development my english ability.