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A. The Background of Study
- Language is a tool or an aid to communicate with other people
- The application KTSP especially in English subject is aimed to the students have to communicate competence in writing, speaking, reading and listening skill.
- The students must have good communication orally and writtenly, but in fact the students always make error in learning those skills. One of types of errors is writing error. The common errors of writing especially in preposition.
- Many students of Junior High School are confused in putting the right preposition.
B. The Identification of Problem

- Preposition can be an abstacle in writing skill.
- Some students make error in preposition of place when they students make error in preposition of place when they arrange the composition
- English is still foreign language in Indonesia, so the students still have difficulties in learning English.
C. The Limitation of Problem
The writer limits the problem only on preposition of place in narrative text done by students of SMPN 3 Banjarsari, Lebak.
D. The Formulation of Problem
- Is there any error in the using preposition of place in narrative text ?
- What kind of errors done by students in preposition of place in narrative text ?
E. The objective of research
- To find out whether there is error in using preposition of place in narrative text
- To find out the kinds of errors done by students in preposition of place in narrative text.
F. The Uses
- The teacher can choose the kind of texts which is interesting to teaching preposition of place (the suitable text to use in junior high school at the first grade).
- Students can use the preposition of place in writing
- To increase students ability in English, especially deals with preposition of place in narrative text.
G. The scope of study
The writer will conduct the research at the first grade of SMPN 3 Banjasari, Lebak. The writer is interested in analyzing the error done by students in preposition of place of narrative text which consist of thirty students as research subject.
H. The Research Design and Method
In this research used qualitative method. The writer will use this method to examine of the events or phenomena.
I. The Research Instrumen
The writer will use research instrumen in collecting data to support the research. A kind of instrumen in collecting the data is a test.
J. The research subject
In this research, the writer will conduct her research in SMPN 3 Banjarsari at the first grade which consist of three dasses and ios students. To decide the research subject, the writer will use non probability sampling. The kind of non probablity sampling used Random sampling. So, the writer will take the students as research subject randoming. They are 30 students.
K. The Data Colecting Technique
In this research, the writer will use test as data collecting technique. The kind of test is complete the composition using suitable preposition in the box.
L. The Data Analysis
In this research, the writer will more focus on the point of research, this proses know as data reduction. Next step is data display, it is can be do in narrative form, chart, flowchart. Finally give the description an object which unclear before analyze, but it become clear after analyze or research as conclusion/verification. The writer has decided the technique for frequency of error. It is calculated with the statistical method using relative distribution.
F = the prequency which is boserved
N = the number of case
P = percentage.
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