zarnan modern ini tampaknya pandangan manusia terhadap ekosistem telah
berubah. Manusia tidak menganggap perlu lagi suatu cara hidup yang
serasi dengan lingkungan. Mereka mengendalikan lingkungan sesuai dengan
kebutuhannya. Maka sering terjadi perlakuan-perlakuan yang tidak etis,
seperti merusak sumber-sumber alam. Kepedulian terhadap lingkungan
nyaris diabaikan. Masih selalu ada orang yang membuang sampah tidak pada
tempatnya. Polusi ada di mana-mana. Bahkan pernah muncul permintaan
pembuangan limbah bahan beracun berbahaya oleh negara maju kepada negara
sampah di bumi kita ini kian membengkak. Sadar akan bahaya yang
ditimbulkan oleh pencemaran sampah di lingkungan kita, kita merasa
khawatir. Para ilmuwan, pengusaha
industri dan pemimpin politik mencoba menemukan jalan keluar bagi
masalah ini, yang tidak hanya menyangkut negara-negara industri, tetapi
juga menyangkut bumi seluruhnya.
ini ada empat cara untuk menghilangkan sampah, yaitu: meletakkan sampah
di tempat-tempat pembuangan sampah; mengumpulkan dan
memisah-misahkannya untuk didaur ulang; membuat sampah itu menjadi
kompos; atau membakarnya untuk menghasilkan energi. Dari segi jumlah,
sampah-sampah organik pada umumnya lebih banyak dari pada sampah-sampah
industri dan rumah tangga. Namun, sampah organik itu lebih mudah diolah
dari pada sampah-sampah industri dan rumah tangga yang mengandung
berbagai jenis bahan. Sampah organik dapat diubah menjadi kompos yang
dipergunakan kembali sebagai pupuk oleh pengusaha pertanian.
sampah-sampah di alam bebas merupakan ancaman nyata terhadap lingkungan
dan manusia di bumi ini. Bahan-bahan kimia, logam-logam berat yang
dikandungnya, terbawa oleh air masuk ke dalam tanah dan kadang-kadang
mencapai permukaan air dalam tanah. Gas metan (tak berwarna dan tak
berbau dapat meledak apabila bercampur dengan udara), yang berasal dari
sampah-sampah yang membusuk, tidak mernungkinkan adanya pemindahan dan
pemusnahan sampah-sampah tertentu karena kemungkinan terjadinya ledakan.
maju seperti Amerika Serikat, Jerman, dan Prancis telah lama berupaya
mencari jalan keluar. Prancis, misalnya, telah bertahun-tahun melakukan
pengetatan ketentuan-ketentuan hukum yang mengatur produksi,
pengangkutan, dan penyimpanan sampah di wilayahnya. Para
pengusaha industri di Prancis secara hukum harus bertanggung jawab atas
nasib sampahnya dan mewajibkan para pengepak bahan-bahan makanan serta
para produsen barang-barang makanan untuk membiayai pendaur ulangan
pembungkusñya dengan ancaman denda.
penelitian, laboratorium-laboratorium universitas di Prancis telah
bergabung dengan perusahaan-perusahaan industri besar dalam suatu
jaringan kerja sama penelitian mengenai sampah. Gabungan itu terutama
dipusatkan pada penelitian rnengenai sifat-sifat khusus sampah dan
penerapan teknik untuk melenyapkannya.
Upaya memerangi sampah seperti yang dilakukan negara Prancis itu patut kita sambut dengan gembira. Indonesia
tetap menolak tawaran perusahaan-perusahaan pembuang limbah dan
negara-negara maju untuk menjadi tempat sampah, Sampai kapan pun Indonesia tidak akan mengorbankan lingkungan dan masyarakatnya hanya untuk sekadar iming-iming uang karena bumi Indonesia harus terhindar dari ancaman sampah.
At this modern zarnan seem human view of the ecosystem has changed. Humans no longer need to consider a way of life that is in harmony with the environment. They control the environment in accordance with their needs. So frequent treatments unethical, such as damage to natural resources. Concern for the environment was almost negligible. Still there are always people who throw garbage out of place. Pollution exist everywhere. Even appeared demand for hazardous waste disposal of toxic materials by developed countries to developing countries.
The amount of garbage on our planet increasingly bloated. Aware of the danger posed by trash pollution in our environment, we are concerned. The scientists, industrialists and political leaders trying to find a solution to this problem, which concerns not only the industrialized countries, but also of all the earth.
Today there are four ways to get rid of trash, namely: putting rubbish in landfill sites; collect and separate them for recycling; make trash into compost; or burn it to produce energy. In terms of quantity, organic waste is generally more than the waste industry and households. However, organic waste is more easily processed from the waste industry and households containing various types of materials. The organic waste is converted into compost which can be re-used as fertilizer by agricultural entrepreneurs.
Disposal of garbage in the wild is a real threat to the environment and human beings on this earth. Chemicals, heavy metals they contain, carried by the water into the soil and sometimes reaches the surface of the water in the soil. Methane gas (a colorless and odorless explosive when mixed with air), which is derived from rotting garbage, not mernungkinkan the removal and destruction of certain waste because of the possibility of an explosion.
Developed countries like the United States, Germany and France have long been trying to find a way out. France, for example, has many years of tightening legal provisions governing the production, transportation, and storage bins in the region. Industrial entrepreneurs in France legally to be responsible for the fate of waste and require the packing of foodstuffs as well as producers of food items to finance recycling packaging with the threat of fines.
Research agencies, university laboratories in France have joined large industrial companies in a cooperative network of research on garbage. Combined it mainly focused on research rnengenai specific properties garbage and application of techniques to eliminate them.
Efforts to combat litter as did France state that we should welcome it with joy. Indonesia continued to refuse bids waste disposal companies and developed countries to be trash, until whenever Indonesia will not sacrifice the environment and people just for the lure of money because the Earth Indonesia should avoid the threat of garbage.
The amount of garbage on our planet increasingly bloated. Aware of the danger posed by trash pollution in our environment, we are concerned. The scientists, industrialists and political leaders trying to find a solution to this problem, which concerns not only the industrialized countries, but also of all the earth.
Today there are four ways to get rid of trash, namely: putting rubbish in landfill sites; collect and separate them for recycling; make trash into compost; or burn it to produce energy. In terms of quantity, organic waste is generally more than the waste industry and households. However, organic waste is more easily processed from the waste industry and households containing various types of materials. The organic waste is converted into compost which can be re-used as fertilizer by agricultural entrepreneurs.
Disposal of garbage in the wild is a real threat to the environment and human beings on this earth. Chemicals, heavy metals they contain, carried by the water into the soil and sometimes reaches the surface of the water in the soil. Methane gas (a colorless and odorless explosive when mixed with air), which is derived from rotting garbage, not mernungkinkan the removal and destruction of certain waste because of the possibility of an explosion.
Developed countries like the United States, Germany and France have long been trying to find a way out. France, for example, has many years of tightening legal provisions governing the production, transportation, and storage bins in the region. Industrial entrepreneurs in France legally to be responsible for the fate of waste and require the packing of foodstuffs as well as producers of food items to finance recycling packaging with the threat of fines.
Research agencies, university laboratories in France have joined large industrial companies in a cooperative network of research on garbage. Combined it mainly focused on research rnengenai specific properties garbage and application of techniques to eliminate them.
Efforts to combat litter as did France state that we should welcome it with joy. Indonesia continued to refuse bids waste disposal companies and developed countries to be trash, until whenever Indonesia will not sacrifice the environment and people just for the lure of money because the Earth Indonesia should avoid the threat of garbage.