Beberapa tahun yang lalu seorang guru besar manajemen Sumber Daya
Manusia sebuah perguruan tinggi terkemuka di Jakarta berceritera tentang
pengalamannya lebih kurang satu bulan mengamati sejumlah perguruan
tinggi disejumlah negara termasuk Belanda. Beliau mengatakan bahwa
perbedaan yang paling menonjol antara mahasiswa Indonesia dengan Belanda
dan beberapa negara adalah keseharian Mahasiswa Indonesia lebih banyak
nongkrong di kantin-kantin daripada di perpustakaan. Sebaliknya,
mahasiswa di Belanda dan beberapa negara lainnya lebih banyak
menghabiskan waktunya di perpustakaan dan membentuk kelompok-kelompok
kecil yang sering terlihat duduk berdiskusi di taman kampus. Sekilah
tampak cerminan intelektual umumnya mahasiswa kita.
Mengacu kepada citra itu, sudah saatnya kita mengubah system
pembelajaran di sekolah-sekolah kita. Dalam hal inia dengan ketiadaan
kewajiban bagi para pelajar untuk studi pustaka, antara lain,
menyebabkan anak-anak enggan masuk perpustakaan. Terlebih lagi suasana
serta berbagai fasilitas penunjang perpustakaan di sekolah, umumnya
tidak selengkap dan senyaman kantin-kantin sekolah. Artinya,
perpustakaan yang menjadi cermin kebijakan dan kecendekiaan masih sangat
jauh bahkan mungkin sangat mengawang-awang untuk dapat dicapai kalau
pihak pemerintah dan pegnelola sekolah masing dianggap perpustakaan
sekadar pelengkap atau tempat penyimpanan buku-buku yang kemudian akrab
dengan debu. Mungkin bukan kebetulan kalau biasanya perpustakaan berada
di bagian paling pinggir gedung sekolah seakan cermin kebijakan dan
kecendekiaan itu juga terpinggirkan kendati mungkin alasan keterbatasan
ruangan atau ketenangan.
Sebenarnya, tentu kita maklumi bahwa perpustakaan itu sebenar-benarnya
tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai tempat penyimpanan buku atau tempat
membaca, melainkan harus dirancang menjadi tempat yang nyaman, santai,
tidak membosankan, lengkap dengan petugas perpustakaan yang ramah dengan
senyum manisnya, namun tetap profesional, disiplin, dan tegas. Perlu
terobosan berupa peningkatan pelayanan dan strategi yang jitu sehingga
perpustakaan bukan menjadi tempat yang angker bagi siswa.
years ago a professor of Human Resources Management a leading
university in Jakarta tells a story about his experience more or less a
month to observe a number of universities in several countries,
including the Netherlands. He
said that the most striking difference between the Dutch and Indonesian
students in some countries are more everyday Indonesian students
hanging out in canteens rather than in the library. By
contrast, students in the Netherlands and other countries spent more
time in the library and forming small groups that are often seen sitting
in the garden discussing campus. Sekilah generally seemed intellectual reflection of our students.
Referring to the image, it is time we changed the system of teaching in our schools. In the case of INIA in the absence of an obligation for students to study literature, among other things, cause the children are reluctant to enter the library. Moreover, the atmosphere as well as various support facilities at the school library, are generally not as complete and comfortable as school canteens. That is, the library becomes a mirror and scholarship policies are still very much in fact may very dreamily to be achieved if the government and each school pegnelola considered merely complementary library or place where the books are then familiar with the dust. Probably not a coincidence that the library is usually located at the very edge of the school building as a mirror and scholarship policy was also marginalized despite possible due to limited space or tranquility.
Actually, of course we understand that the library was in truth not only serves as a repository of books or a place to read, but must be designed to be a comfortable, relaxed, not boring, complete with library staff were friendly with a cheery smile, but still professional, disciplined and firmly. Need a breakthrough in the form of an increase in services and the right strategy so that the library is not a place haunted for students.
Referring to the image, it is time we changed the system of teaching in our schools. In the case of INIA in the absence of an obligation for students to study literature, among other things, cause the children are reluctant to enter the library. Moreover, the atmosphere as well as various support facilities at the school library, are generally not as complete and comfortable as school canteens. That is, the library becomes a mirror and scholarship policies are still very much in fact may very dreamily to be achieved if the government and each school pegnelola considered merely complementary library or place where the books are then familiar with the dust. Probably not a coincidence that the library is usually located at the very edge of the school building as a mirror and scholarship policy was also marginalized despite possible due to limited space or tranquility.
Actually, of course we understand that the library was in truth not only serves as a repository of books or a place to read, but must be designed to be a comfortable, relaxed, not boring, complete with library staff were friendly with a cheery smile, but still professional, disciplined and firmly. Need a breakthrough in the form of an increase in services and the right strategy so that the library is not a place haunted for students.