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Islamic new year 1430 Hijri, happy new year AD 2009 and 2560 lunar new year, hopefully in the new year this could all change for the better. No longer own way in the midst of darkness without guidance and direction.
Maybe we've listened to the old songs that evoke memories, but in 2009 we had to make a new resolution to turn out better than in previous years, without forgetting the old memories can make a teacher to live a life that we can not predict what will happen in the future.
When we see really nothing wrong with what has happened in the past, one simply our perspective. If we continue to lament why it all happened, we will never rise from the slump it, have not we created to be berinteropeksi yourself to see something that happens from many different angles, so it's not just regret that we continue to lament, because there was supposed to be a failure in the past into a deep ravine to success.
Let us welcome the morning in the new year with singing cheerfully. Forget all the remnants of New Year party last night. Life in this morning waiting to be filled with something that is definitely no longer a doubt.
Should we come in early to do a kindness, to win the heart of the giver of success, do not you ever blame yourself, because He always knows what is supposed to happen. But unfortunately, time is not on our side who waste it, but do not ever blame yourself if late first present.
Let me soar much fantasy flying high, along with the stars and hope to come something which we yearn, hopefully this year conveyed news of the success that has been delayed. The days ago we can only promise to change and valid and do better, but this year we should be better.
When the sky is no 'star' and still heard screams hearts, stars will cry, why an intelligent man who is just resigned in a slump. Kemanakan passion for 'menggapaiku' the beginning of last year in kumandangkan. Then where are the meaning of the celebration of New Year's Eve on the beach, if we just stand alone against the dark black deserted at night, the beach is usually crowded and lively ablaze by fireworks at each year-end closing. Should we join slammed memories buried in a million million waves and buried rocks.
We should rise even with pale white face scratched wound hearts. Eliminate all justified utopian expectations, and remain optimistic in the fight for the ideals that we are hanging together of the stars in the sky.
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