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Basically treasures have contradictory properties. Sometimes it can save its owner, but not a few harmful. Therefore, Islam has set how a Muslim can utilize its assets in order to be useful for the life of the world and the hereafter. Not complete if the treasure was only enjoyed for the sake of worldly and has absolutely no effect on the life hereafter. Both should receive equal portions.Treasure is not a purpose in life. Not a cause for happiness. If someone puts a treasure as the purpose of life and assume segalagalanya, then he would often get into trouble rather than peace of mind.The purpose of life is to carry out an obligations. The property that we have the means to support the implementation of those obligations. We need to treasure worship. People will not be able to build a mosque, sympathize orphans, zakat and charity and Hajj without the support by means of possessions.Sometimes people become infatuated by the property. He toil and sweat, do not know the day or night, do not know friend or foe origin achieved its objectives. If the property has been obtained, he wants more ... and want to continue to grow. Treasure hunt preoccupations make him forget the obligations. Worship become lazy. Even his heart be stingy. Beloved treasures collected so reluctant to spend alms or tithe. People were so this would be a slave His wealth alone.It was lucky the wealthy are able to control the wealth. Used for the kindness, love to give alms, zakat, pilgrimage, donation, sympathize orphans and so on. The more wealth the more often he thanked God. Worship became more diligent. Such people are aware that the property acquired solely by the grace of God to be used properly.In his book, Al Maal Fil Islam, DR. Muhammad Mahmud Bably found reprehensible treasure according to Islam is a treasure which is used as the object of interest, and for the property owner to make the property as a protection against treasure ditimbunnya or hiding. Then hold against others and utilization of assets that should be circulating from one hand to the other hand. So there will be a miser nature or closed his eyes. As well as Islam forbids excessive nature and nature mubadzir, and Islam invites to nature enough or balanced in all respects.

Allah says, "And those who when they spend (wealth) they are not exaggerated and not (also) miserly but (spending it) in the middle between the case.Therefore, to get halal fortune, treasure blessing and counting so from now on we must be careful in the endeavor. Search, living or fortune was tricky. Sometimes a person has to be careful, but once he picked off guard so that the treasure was not kosher, or how to find it violates Islamic law.The real treasure is good if obtained from a lawful manner and utilized according to its place. A hadith Ibn Umara ra. explained that the Messenger of Allah. once said, "The world is like growing plants that attract. Whoever is looking for a world treasure of treasures kosher, then spent in accordance with their rights, then Allah will reward and will be incorporated into heaven. And anyone who is looking for treasures of the world, not of wealth is lawful and spent instead on his right, then God will put into place contemptible. And many people are looking for in the way of ambition in Allah and His Messenger that go to Hell on the Day of Judgment. "The treasure was essentially kosher. But it could be turned into a disgraceful and harmful owners. Because if someone is looking for it in a way that is not kosher, then the position of the treasure be unlawful. If the property is unclean to eat the food juices to be mixed into the blood. If it is mixed with blood and at any time to flow to the whole body, it is difficult for someone to purify anything that is unclean. In the end in the Hereafter will be an ordeal for him.It is necessary to realize that the real treasure is basically a means and a field for the life hereafter. Whoever got it by lawful means, then harnessed for the good, for example, provide for the family, partly set aside for fi sabilillah, then the property will be very useful. There will be a helper in the hereafter.Not a few people who excessively charitable alms. He gained wealth and lawful manner, then collected and become rich. If the tithe invited journalists to expose the deeds. If accounted for construction of the mosque, he hopes the committee announced. Then the people praised her as a person who sangatta generous. And he was very pleased at the compliment. Then practice and use of the property as it was denounced by God. In addition to how to get the treasure was not kosher, his heart was also tainted by riya ', expecting praise from fellow humans. That is what is meant in the hadith that many people who seek God's ambitions but obtained only hellfire.Treasure in the view of Islam is a kindness; not an evil. There are some groups of people who treasure the world considers that it is merely an obstacle to deeds They then avoid it. Dressed compangcamping eat just a bite. He is more fast and did not have the treasures kept people "Sufi" another judge of the property so that they are always mengaggap as an evil. When in fact the property was a kebajkan.People who are weak in faith will assess, with a wealth of mathematical figures. They simply use logic; wits. Though human reason it does not reach the knowledge and the will of God. They are thought to behave miserly, his property will be preserved and not reduced them to work hard toil. With more diligent work, wealth is increasing Eventually he became a miser once. Because by being stingy he believes his property will be maintained, however if it is made to charity or issued to charity, according to mathematical calculations wealth will be reduced.They forget that the property or fortune it was not solely because of his efforts Many people who toil, but gained only a little bit. There is also working with light, without sweat, but more and more wealth. So it is God who was instrumental in giving the treasure. Only human endeavor alone. They do not realize that property issued to dole it really is not reduced, but continues to grow. Logically, such things can not be reached by human reason But in reality, people who love to give alms not get poorer, but more and more wealth. People who want to think and have high levels of faith, it will use the property that belongs to him it correctly. Prophet, said, "There are only two things that do not include the nature of envy, that a given property then compelled to perform correctly. And people who are given knowledge by God then he judge with his knowledge and teach it. "HR. Bukhari.People are crazy to property, assume that the treasure is everything. Her love for children and his wife beat. Even for the sake of wealth, no Few people sacrifice akidahnya. Fitting if God says that the property was actually a jewelry life of the world for people who are deceived and for those who love to be budakharta itself and those who forget the deeds for the sake of the hereafter. In the letter al-Kahf verse 46 explained, "Hidden and children are jewelry life of the world."Many verses in the Koran that raised the question of human enjoyment of the property. Because they are crazy so forgotten and out of the real purpose of life. They are complacent, thinking the world is a life filled with pleasures. They do not remember if there were more villages, namely eternal hereafter. They fall asleep if one day there is a heaven and hell. Heaven where eternal happiness and balance of endless punishment.
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