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2. Background of the problems
Based on the reality English is one the language , which is widely used all over the world. Since English is the most important language in the world, it is also important for government, business, and informal communication for people from different countries. It is clear that English education in the years ahead has pilled an important role in the national development, therefore it should be studied.
And students must study English from the Elementray school up to the university, because of procession of development of tiime, introduction of English as given as early as possible. Since the end of second world War English become curriculum subject at school beginning from Junior high school to university even the fourth grade of the elementary school. 

In education sector, however there are several specific reason as to why people are eager to learn foreign language, such as school curriculum, advancement, target language community, English as a specific purpose, culture and misscellaneous, and others. ( Harmer, 1991 : 17 )
In accordance with development of technology is very fast, it is supported by developing electronic component industry discovered by electronic scientist, Internet, TV, Radio, etc, are evidences of developing information technology that enables people to communicate to all over the world easily. Based on the information Television is one of electronic equpment there were an effect for their increasing language skill. Because by television people can watch English film, learn and know many vocabularies.
English as foreign language is not easy to master. It needs to master penology, grammar, and vocabulary. Because without mastering them, we can not communicate well and they can not grasp the ideas transmitted to them.
In English subject, there are several skill to be masteries by students. Namely vocabulary. Because the ability to understand the target language greatly depends one’s knowledge of vocabulary. Vocabulary in the broadest sense many commercial listening test maybe termed modified vocabulary test since cue-word which, if understood, elicit the correct answer. ( Rebecca, 1997 ).
In learning English vocabulary is important. Vocabulary must memorized and must be practiced. In the end teacher must give motivation to his or her students in order that they can love English at preliminary stage with some approach. One of them approach the teacher can to give them approach to his or her students by song, games, poem, story, answering question or quiz. ( Florentina, 2002 )
3. Identification of the problem
The writer try to give identification of the problems as follows :
a) Do the students have motivation to wathing English film?
b) Do the students have good memorized and practice the vocabulary?
c) Is there any significant influence of watching English film to students vocabulary mastery?
4. Limitation and formulations of the problem
Based on the issues described in the background above, the writer limits and formulates the problem as follow :
a) is there any significant influence of watching English film to students vocabulary mastery?
5. Objectives
The objectives of this research is :
a) A to determine whether there is any significant influence of watching English film to students vocabulary mastery at second year of SMU Negeri 1 Petir.
6. The Uses
The uses of this research are :
b) As an information for English teacher in order to develop the students by watching English film.
c) As an information about the kinds of English film which affect their vocabularies.
  1. Hypothesis
The writers try to give a hypothesis for this research, as follow :
    1. There is a positive influence of watching English film to students vocabulary mastery.
  1. Operational Definition
    1. Concept of Vocabulary
According to Rebecca M.Valette ( 1997 )
1. Vocabulary is one of the language aspects that must be learned when students are learning a language, especially in English vocabulary.
2. Vocabulary is one of the language aspects which taugh at school at all level began elementary school to university.
According to Oxpord learner’s pocket dictionary
1. Vocabulary is list of words with their meanings, especially at the back of book used for teaching a foreign language.
    1. Concept of Film
According to Oxpord learner’s pocket dictionary
1. Film is cinema picture; movie.
2. Film is roll of thin flexible material used in photography.
    1. Concept of Watch
According to Oxpord learner’s pocket dictionary
1. Watch is look at somebody or something carefully for aperiod of time.
  1. Population and Sample
Quantities of the populations in this research are 160 students of second year in first semester of SMU Negeri 1 Petir, 2006, as representative of whole population. Quantities of the sample in this research are 20 students of bsecond yesr and each class will take 5 students as a subject, because the lower and higher students are in the class, and consist of four classes, it is IPA and IPS classes and use random sample.
  1. Method of the research
This research use Ex Post Facto research because the research does not give a treatment, but collecting data to see the influence. This means the researcher deals with how to get data and administrate them. The writer tries to explore or study the relationship between influence as independent variable and vocabulary mastery as dependent variable.
  1. Instrument of the research
The research instrument, which will be used by the researcher are by watching English film from Television, DVD, CD, in order to know the students influence toward vocabulary English.
  1. Technique of Data Analysis
To know whether there is an influence or not from watching English film.
- The formula is :
Rxy :
- The Explanation :
rxy: Coefficient of m Product Moment Influence
N : The numbers of sample
Y: The Scores of vocabulary mastery / independent variable
X2 : The Square of students influence / dependent variable
Y2 : The Square of vocabulary mastery
X.Y : The result of multiple of students influence.
  1. References
1. Harmer, Jeremy. 1998. The Practice of English Teaching. Longman Publishing. New York.
2. Rebecca M. Valette, Modern Language Testing Second Edition, USA : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, inc, 1997.
3. Florentina Ernawati. Elizabeth Ida Purwanti, English For Elementary School 3 Jakarta : Grasindo, 2002.
4. Oxpord Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, New Edition.
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